How To Get Grounded In The Winter

How To Get Grounded In The Winter

My Resolution for 2019 is simple: Ground more and connect with the Earth every day. Yet, where I live, it's COLD! Getting my dose of Vitamin N (Vitamin Nature!) is easier said than done when there's frost on the ground. Living in the Black Forest of Germany, Baden-Baden, has forced me to get creative with how I Ground. I know I feel so much better when I'm able to get outside and connect with the Earth daily, but doing so in a cold climate is a challenge…

A Song In Our Cells: Musical Frequencies & Our Bodies.

A Song In Our Cells: Musical Frequencies & Our Bodies.

 Solfeggio frequencies. If you aren’t musically inclined or into quantum physics, you may not be familiar with the definition of either of these words, but that doesn’t mean the power of these unseen energy waves isn’t impacting you at all times...even right now! Why? Because EVERYTHING has a frequency - even the Earth itself.

Get Grounded For Spring: Are You Conductive?

Spring is finally here, which means getting outside and dosing up on Vitamin N (Nature!) is easier than ever. When we're Grounded (also known as "Earthing"), our bodies align with the frequency of the Earth which is how the "magic" happens-but how can we be certain we're connected?

Many Countries Ban Wi-Fi – But Not The U.S.?!

Many Countries Ban Wi-Fi – But Not The U.S.?!

Is your child exposed to too much EMF radiation?

Kids leaning over their desks taking an exam. Running excitedly in the gym playing with classmates. Standing at the lockers, laughing with friends. Millions of American children spend hundreds of hours a year in school buildings with Wi-Fi. And even though the evidence from peer-reviewed scientific studies proving the negative side effects of these signals is overwhelming, we haven't turned them off.