
How To Get Grounded In The Winter

How To Get Grounded In The Winter

My Resolution for 2019 is simple: Ground more and connect with the Earth every day. Yet, where I live, it's COLD! Getting my dose of Vitamin N (Vitamin Nature!) is easier said than done when there's frost on the ground. Living in the Black Forest of Germany, Baden-Baden, has forced me to get creative with how I Ground. I know I feel so much better when I'm able to get outside and connect with the Earth daily, but doing so in a cold climate is a challenge…

Get Grounded For Spring: Are You Conductive?

Spring is finally here, which means getting outside and dosing up on Vitamin N (Nature!) is easier than ever. When we're Grounded (also known as "Earthing"), our bodies align with the frequency of the Earth which is how the "magic" happens-but how can we be certain we're connected?